A Sensitive Case

A Sensitive Case is a multidisciplinary circus show that mixes fragile mousetrap architectures with precise acrobatic puzzle work (and savage radish catapulting).


A Sensitive Build

Since 2018 this project has gained a specific style of sculpting with mousetraps. Constructing curves, towers & more organic shapes with this material. It purely relies on hooking and trapping (no glue or nails) together with a technique that comes from the art of stone stacking.

Celery Royal

‘Celery Royale’ is a light-hearted ‘Hand balancing Ode’ to the Beauty of this underestimated vegetable. The Act is simple: One table, One Celery & loads of handstands to Celebrate of the existence of Celery.

A Departure from Thought

A Departure from Thought is a piece that shows a universe that listens to a different sound. In it, handstand and movement are combined to paint a general picture of times, beings and places in this universe.

The Futile Act of Domestication

A group of people looks upon somebody fixing tape on the surface of the floor. Fixing a blueprint within space. Then comes an attempt to live in this living room.